ESDL Graphical editor / ESDL Designer

The ESDL Designer is an Eclipse based editor for ESDL files. It allows you to drag and drop ESDL components onto a canvas, connect them and change all properties.

After installing the ESDL Eclipse plugins using the Eclipse update-site, you can start designing a new Energy System using this tutorial.

Step 1. Create a new Modeling Project

Select File --> New --> Modeling Project

Make sure you select a 'Modeling Project' since that will automatically create the required representations.aird file that records the layout of your diagram.

Step 2. Create a new ESDL model

Select File --> New --> Other and select 'ESDL model' in the dialog box that appears. Presse 'Next'

Step 3. Select 'Energy System'

Select 'Energy System' from the drop-down list under 'Model Object' and click 'Finish'

Step 4. Create a new model representation

Double click the representations.aird file in the project, and click 'New...' under the 'Representations' section.

Step 5. Select 'ESDL Diagram' and click 'Next'

Step 6. Select the 'Energy System' from your ESDL model and click 'Finish'

Step 7. You now see the canvas in front of you

Step 8. Add an Instance, an Area, some Assets and connect them

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